Unbreakable Laws of Survival Everyone Must Later Recall

woman in the wild

No one wants to be lost and lonely when it comes to a crisis situation or a collapse. This is why we press our readers so often, telling them certain basic skills over and over again. You may think you have it all together only to suddenly realize you forgot a certain and very important law of survival.

It is in cases when you have a short memory that we suggest to keep things in a folder or written down in a book you can carry with you. A sort of Survival Bible, if you like.

If ever something needs to be written down and stored away for current as well as later use, it is the rules listed over on the next page. Honestly, these are unbreakable laws everyone needs to follow, whether you be a part-time hiker and camper or a full-time prepper and survivalist.

By the way, we have always said #4 is one of the most important things you can have on hand. Go over to the next page and take a look!

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One Comment;

  1. Grace Hill said:

    Uh, gravity? LOL First law of survival, what goes up, must come down! Once you have taken a really bad tumble way off the grid, you will realize that this stupid little jingle is not so study after all.


