Turn Salt Water Into Safe Drinkable Water

One of the most critical challenges facing a survivalist in a bug-out or survivor moment is the need to secure safe drinking water.

Depending on the situation, securing safe drinking water might not be Priority One, but it always ranks in the top five priorities you must address to make it through whatever you are going through.

This need is compounded if you are facing a survival situation and your only fluid alternative is salt water.

“Water, water, everywhere, and not a drop to drink,” is an old saying that highlights the fact that drinking saltwater is dangerous and can ultimately kill you.

Luckily, if all you have is salty water, there are ways you can desalinize it and render it fit for human consumption.

To see one method, check out the next page.


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  1. J.d. Taylor said:

    I’ll bet Californians wish someone there was smart enough to do this.

  2. Scott Efird said:

    California has a whole dam ocean and they have a water shortage, its 2015 dammit we have the tech. knowhow id hope they can get the salt out of some dam water..

  3. Cliff-Sarah Durfee said:

    Can I be the first to say.. duh. If you have all those things needed its probably not that dire of a survival situation..

  4. D Irish Kelley said:

    Just make a still duh who didn’t know that thank God that I been prepping since prepping wasn’t kewl

  5. Malachi Johnson said:

    The Pacific Ocean has been flooded with radiation from the reactor that ruptured in Japan a few years back. That water isn’t safe at all.


