Top 10 Bug Out Vehicles That Won’t Let You Down When SHTF

off road vehicle

Bug out preparations is about more than stocking up on enough food and water and supplies and packing a top-notch bug out bag. You also have to make a plan to get yourself to your bugout location in the event of SHTF.

Even if you don't have a bug out location, you'll still want to have a rugged vehicle which you can depend on when things get rough. The reason why is because after awhile, when all of the stores are cleared out of goods and all of the police have abandoned their posts, you may want to keep moving to prevent criminal individuals from establishing your whereabouts.

Many modern vehicles simply don't cut it when it comes to being rugged. They are often designed for safety and fuel efficiency, not end-of-the-world reliability.

That's where the list on the next page comes in handy. Find out which bug out vehicles you can depend on.

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  1. Jeff Scott said:

    Any vehicle without a computer. Need just a carburetor or old mechanical injection Diesel. EMP’S won’t effect these type vehicles.

  2. Mike Palmer said:

    If it werent for that flimsy rod Ford put in the steering column, i’d say my ’85 bronco would qualify.

  3. Dave Austin said:

    Be ready to tote lots of stuff… where’s the double-deck trailer?

  4. Matt Tinker said:

    When SHTF the gas supply is going to run out real fast, so your screwed anyway.

  5. Jerrod Ridgway said:

    4 Horses and wagon ….. Go farther and more places …. Fuel they eat ….

  6. Mike Robinson said:

    Well I have the first two. Just need a couple more and I’m good to go

  7. Jeff Scott said:

    A 1974 Jeep J10 does not have an electronic dash. During EMP testing Alternators were not affected.

  8. Jeff Davis said:

    All terrain transportation and you can eat it if it breaks down.

  9. Dustin Pollard said:

    I have an avalanche for the family and a carbureted KLR 650 for recom, raids, etc now, hoping that some type of fuel is available. Trying to buy a 90 grand Wagoneer now that’s a carburetor run vehicle, but it has a small computer for power windows etc, so I hope an emp won’t ruin it. Also waiting on VA appraisal for a log home on top of a mountain at the end of the lane with two fireplaces, well water, and pump free septic system. If it all works out, the hardest part will be fighting off raiders and turning down family that’s dead weight who has nothing to contribute, skills or supplies, and will destroy my family’s food supply. I just need a couple months to finish it all.

  10. Stan Prueitt said:

    Here is my choice. Jeep 6×6 with light machine gun, gas cannon, rocket launcher, armor piercing crossbow, tomahawks, side arms, swords, etc… Seen here at PrepperCon.

  11. William westoven said:

    I also set up a 2 wheeled game cart with a deer stand harness for when on foot. Probably could adapt to a bicyicle also

  12. Troy Lovell said:

    But ignition modules were. The points in older distributors were fried and had to be replaced. So at the very least, have those spare items in a Faraday cage.

  13. Kevin Allan Jany said:

    Fuel exactly gasoline only lasts for a few months even with preservatives same with diesel. So you better be planning on staying wherever you go.

  14. Rory said:

    Standard ignition or electronic ignition will work. They tested with a high power local emp. Car ignitions are shielded to prevent interference on AM/FM radios, that same shielding protected 29 out of 30 cars tested .

  15. David Tiedt said:

    1940’s dodge command car of 4×4 dodge power wagon army 2.5 ton older the better

  16. David Tiedt said:

    Willys ww2 jeep with matching cargo trailer or lifestyle products trailer / camper pretty awesome

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