Too Much Survival Gear? A Survival Bug-Out Trailer Might be the Answer!

bug out trailer

One aspect of a Bug-Out Bag that is almost universal is that it in no way can hold enough stuff for a longer term survival situation or even a long journey.

A Survival Bug-Out Trailer, while not able to hold everything conceivable, greatly alleviates the space issue and expands what someone can easily do while bugging out.

Survival trailers, while not being a new concept, are quickly growing in popularity.

What exactly is a Survival Trailer?

We are not talking about Travel Trailers here but something completely different. It is a trailer with storage and survival equipment in it that can be quickly hooked to the back of a car or truck and be ready to go in a couple of minutes. They are found in many sizes and configurations, but are usually designed to be used off-road as well as on the highway.

So what is in a Survival trailer?

The quick answer to that is anything you want! Besides the obvious like water, fuel and supplies, some even have an attached tent and a kitchen sink as well. Whether you drive a small or large vehicle, a survival trailer can give you a lot more room for bug out bags and equipment as well as food when the time comes.

Survival trailers need not be expensive and could probably be made out of just about any type existing trailer, just add a few modifications to make it work for what you want and you are good to go.

The Survival Bug-Out Trailer has its disadvantages.

You cannot, for example, easily hide your intention hauling around a mobile survival kit; so its application might be limited to emerging survival scenarios where you have a lot of warning to get the hell out of Dodge.

But being able to store just about all the survival gear you could possibly need greatly outweighs the disadvantage.

To learn more about these amazing Survival Bug-Out Trailers, check out American Preppers Online.

Featured Image via American Preppers Online


  1. David Brooks said:

    better have guns to protect the assets, when its shtf time—people are gonna be wigging out and going bonkers.

  2. Trevor Freeman said:

    Ah. This is obviously just a new hobbie at this point now. I have to cut in, and point out the reality that things will never get extremely bad very quickly since it’s far easier, and cheaper for the rich to very slowly change things for the worse rather then doing it all at once which is really just a delusional concept.

  3. Doug Las said:

    Not just no but HELL NO! Kerosene, propane, a gas jug and cans of white fuel stored right over the axle. You might be a dumbass if you prep that way 😉

  4. Mike Scott said:

    For some people that will work in any and every situation. Of course a lot won’t make it. But that leaves more for the people who come back.

  5. Mitchell Hreha said:

    Yeah, great investment…until gridlock, collapsed bridges and washouts happen.


