Tips You Must Remember to Protect Your Vehicle from an EMP

dodge truck EMP

If the US federal government says something is a threat — or if they happen to admit that something's a threat — then it's likely much more of a pending alarming situation than the government cares to admit.

Keeping that in mind, the federal government — which include multiple agencies and the military — have relinquished that one huge threat to our very lives is an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP).

Whether it takes place by intent (a nuclear detonation or terrorism) or by chance (EMP destruction caused by a meteorite or comet), an EMP event would no doubt be life altering.

If an event like this were to take place, one major challenge would be transportation. The majority of today's vehicles are reliant on computers and electrical components which translates to if an EMP took place, a vehicle would become hunks of metal, rubber, and plastic.

To uncover what you should be looking for in a vehicle to make sure it is EMP proof before one takes place, head over to the next page.

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  1. John Hallows said:

    Does the writer realize he’s ruled out every car and truck currently made it imported into the US? Including Diesels?
    OBD I I became the standard in 1996. So any vehicle made since 1995 just got ruled out.
    You’re probably going to have to go back to the late 70s or early 80s to find vehicles that meet his specifications.
    Ignition systems in gasoline powered vehicles even ones with carburetors are susceptible to EMP.
    About the only thing that will survive would be an old diesel with manual fuel injection and even then the battery and or starter could be toast.


