Tips We Must Learn to Protect Our Vehicle from an EMP


The entire concept of an EMP, or an Electromagnetic Pulse, is a scary one. It is not something we can see or hear but the impact of an EMP is devastating!

Governmental agencies have come out and said such a thing is life threatening and what it will do to transportation, basically making our cars null and void, is absolutely frightening!

How can EMP emissions happen? Any number of ways including nuclear detonation by our enemies or even naturally; from a meteor, comet, or harrowing sun spots!

Whatever the case, an EMP will change all of our lives!

To learn more about what EMPs can do to mankind and how we can skirmish with them, fight for our vehicles, and prosper,  go to the next page!

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  1. Shane Kelton said:

    I read about bugging out. Exactly where are millions and millions and millions of people going to bug out to? We better spend a lot more effort in preventing a man caused EMP and pray The Lord delivers us from a natural one, get realistic.

  2. James Pallasch said:

    Where ever you are when an EMP happens is where you will have to make allies real quick because that is where you will most likely make your stand If you are a man and by yourself the odds are with you. If you have family with you, it is any bodies guess. The biggest saving grace is that as a prepper, you will know what happened immediately and go into survival mode light years before the general populace even knows what happened! The first hours are the absolute, most critical time period and must not be wasted!!! You can prepare ’til Hell freezes and still not be prepared to snuff someone! If you have not thought of actually taking a life, do not stray too far from home. There is so much to contemplate and like it or not, IT MUST BE ADRESSED! Begin today by telling someone where you are going and when you will return! THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE! Never leave without someone you trust knowing your intentions. Have a minimum of two means of defense at all times! More is better but it is up to you. I like bazookas and twin 50’s but you get the point! Even though the sun is shining, have immediate access to a very reliable flash light and fire making tools. self explanatory. Do not panic! Stay cool and act to calm those around you. Put all of your training to use and live to fight another day! Do not look for relief in days or weeks! Think months, or, heaven forbid, maybe, never! Remember, it is a total societal breakdown. The body count will be like nothing you have seen before! If you survive 3 or four mo. the odds are again in your favor. It is believed that a total collapse will eliminate 90% of the populace in 1 year!

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