Tips a Survivalist Must Remember to Effectively Protect a Vehicle From an EMP

1980 dodge truck vehicle

It's rare when the US federal government actually tells us that there are threats but if and when they do it's a good idea to pay close attention.

The government in the United States which consists of multiple agencies and the military has mentioned an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) before and that it could potentially happen. Since the government has admitted this, preppers should not take it lightly.

It's unclear whether an EMP will happen due to nuclear detonation from a meteorite, for example, or terrorism, there's no doubt an EMP would change life as we know it today.

Plus, another potential challenge we should all be aware of is transportation. Think about it. Since most of our vehicles rely on computers and electrical components, if an EMP were to strike a car would essentially become a hunk of plastic, metal, and rubber.

However, if preppers plan ahead, they can save their car from self-destructing. It just takes planning and thinking far in advance.

To know how to prepare your vehicle in the event of an EMP and what the best kind of vehicle is, visit the next page. 

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