Tips a Prepper Must Remember to Effectively Protect Vehicles from an EMP

1980 dodge truck vehicle

It's rare that the US federal government actually tells their people that there are threats, but when they do it's a good idea to pay attention.

The US government which consists of multiple agencies and the military has admitted one thing to be aware of is an impending Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP). And since the government admitted to this potentially taking place in the future, you know it's serious.

The truth is whether an EMP happens because of terrorism or a nuclear detonation resulting from a meteorite, for example, there's no doubt an EMP would significantly change life as we know it.

Plus, another challenge that preppers should be aware of is transportation. Since most of the vehicles rely on electrical components and computers, if an EMP were to strike a modern car would become a hunk of metal, plastic, and rubber.

However, if you plan ahead you can save your car from self-destructing, it just takes some well thought out preparation.

To know what type of vehicle you should have in the event of an EMP and how to protect it, visit the next page. 

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  1. Mark Faasuamalie Taala said:

    Driving is a joke in a EMP the roads will be blocked and you will be a moving target best thing to do is stock up and lock down wait it out be ready for 6 months food water and ammo the outside will be a war zone


