Thoughts On Firearms: Should You Or Shouldn’t You Own A Gun?

The decision to own a firearm is one of the most controversial topics today.

Some folks do not like guns, others are fearful of them, while others are not comfortable being around them.

For a survivalist, owning a firearm is almost assumed, but even still, the decision is one that takes a lot of consideration.

You have to calculate your need, state and local laws as well as the limit you place on yourself in terms of how you are willing use your firearm.

You may be willing to hunt with it, but what about self-defense? Or you may be fine with both. Or you may be OK with self-defense, but would not hunt unless you absolutely had to do so. Finally, you may decide you are not comfortable with either.

Each of those opinions are “fine,” because owning a firearm is a huge responsibility.

On the next page, we go over things you should consider before purchasing a firearm.


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  1. Dave Hummel said:

    Only get a gun if you know HOW to use it and are comfortable with them.

  2. Angus Roach said:

    If you feel it’s right for YOU!…then pick one…there are many to choose from..then get some quality training if you are not already familiar with firearms…the biggest point is common sense and situational awareness!

  3. Paul E. Reece said:

    I’ve never thought about this. Own a gun. Why is it even a question?

  4. James Carroll said:

    Own one…full safe or one entire room of them. Not sure if I’m reading this right.

  5. David Lott said:

    Only own one if A: you know how to use it and B: you are willing to use it.

  6. Christian Saman said:

    We are soft bags of meat. We do mot have thick hides, dangerous claws, sharp teeth and muscle systems designed to rend and tear. What we do have are excellent dexterity and the intelligence to create and use complex tools. This is why owning a gun is just an extension of our evolutionary right to defend home and self from enemies foreign and domestic. It is our equalizer. It is why we dominated in this planet. Otherwise we would all have been food or victims of predators. Including our own.

  7. Rob Bailey said:

    If you have never and are wanting to. Get some training and not from your crazy uncle Joe. Preferably someone who don’t shoot after drinking.
    Real common Sense safety and shooting training !!!!

  8. Cody Gargis said:

    Once upon a time I owned firearms, I was very proficient too. I was even on the rifle team in high school, won every compe$#%&!@*ion. Then I met my ex in my late 20’s. I knew she was crazy from early on, but I thought it was a manly thing to do to love her anyway, the best I could. She was too dangerous to have firearms around, so I sold them. I chose her instead of sticking to my guns. Now years later, she and some of her friends are trying to kill me. I made the wrong choice. Evil is real. Stick to your guns.

  9. Eric Blacketer said:

    Hhhmmm I say yes but to harvest game in a survival situation I think I’d pick a bow and arrow you can reuse the arrows 🙂

  10. Freddie Serna said:

    Guns are the last ditch effort. Depending on the situation ammuntion would be scarce. What you have is all you got. Learn to use other items for hunting and defense.

  11. Jon PuraVida Long said:

    For me, it will be important at first, as the SHTF ages, I will go back to primitive ways. This is my Yugo M70 with night vision. Will pull security as the SHTF.

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