This Tactical Pen is a Glass-Breaking, Butt-Kicking Tool You Need for That Pivotal Survival Moment

tactical pen

You may need to break a window to get someone out of a rolled vehicle. Or you may need to beat the daylights out of a criminal. In both cases, this tactical self-defense tool proves that the pen is indeed mightier than the sword.

Saving lives and fighting bad guys is made much easier when you have the right tools. Having a tactical pen in your pocket or purse will go a long way toward accomplishing that goal. This just proves that in the right hands, anything can be a weapon, so it never hurts to take some self-defense classes, as well. In fact, we strongly encourage it. Tactical pen bonus: once you're done saving lives, you can sign autographs for your adoring fans.


  1. Seth Ro Tull said:

    Writes like$#%&!@*and literally unscrews itself while clipped in pocket
    But you can seriously…defend…yourself with it


