(Video) This Survivalist Does a Practice Solo SHTF Situation. What Happens? This is Remarkable!


With all of the survival shows on the air, many of us find ourselves imagining that surviving out in the wild is as easy as whipping out a shelter, finding a beautiful spring bursting from a rock to get water from and perhaps having fish for dinner.

Okay, maybe our imaginations don't run quite that wild, but it's hard to imagine the suffering that comes with being away from society for a long time.

It's also important to know that when the survival shows are filmed, they often have five or more people in the film crew (minus Les Stroud; that guy is cool) along with a doctor and they also have an ambulance on call. Plus, they bring in food just in case the traditional hunting methods don't work out, which they often do.

So when we learned about a young survivalist who went into the woods alone to practice his methods, it was hard not to be skeptical as to whether he would succeed.

To see his survival expedition from start to finish on the video and to see how he fares, visit the next page. 

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  1. Jay Martin said:

    Shelter, water, food. 2/3 for the period he did this is fine. He needs to do at least a week to determine how he handles the survival mode. Food becomes the main issue with the equipment he brought, and takes a pretty good survivalist to handle that. I love the survivalist shows on television for picking up pointers.

  2. Patricia Roy said:

    Small children have survived lost in the wild for several days – no food, water, shelter or heat. Just sayin’. If you really want a test, try a month and make it happen in mid winter. Then I’ll call you a survivalist.

  3. Rick Berry said:

    This is the kid that had some of his friends with him. This is several years old.

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