This REI Quarter Dome Air Hammock is Everything. It’s Time to Sleep Peacefully Under the Stars!

air hammock


Basically, there are two types of wilderness campers in this world. First, there is the type of person who really likes to rough it; with a backpack and sleeping bag and they are great for a few days of solitude in the woods, looking up at the stars before they go to sleep.

Then there are the type of people who pretty much feel the same way but also like the idea of crawling into the sanctuary of a tent. They can look at the stars before turning in for the night and not feel as if they missed out!

Both are fine but have their limitations. Bad weather is not good if it’s just you and your sleeping bag and really, as good as a tent is for coverage, how many of us want to hike miles through the woods with that heavy thing taking up so much room in our pack or on our backs?

There may be a solution to these problems in the REI’s Quarter Dome Air Hammock! It’s light, keeps you off the cold ground, and has storage options!

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