This Prepper Knows How to Get Free Power From an Old Washing Machine – How He Does it, Amazing!

water generator

Water generators are extremely effective and low maintenance, but also very expensive. With a little electrical know-how and access to an old washing machine (they shouldn't be that hard to find) you can put together your own water generator at practically no cost. Watch the video below to learn how.

While this is a very technical project that requires knowledge of appliances and wiring, that shouldn't make anyone shirk away from it. One of the best things you can do to prepare yourself for the unknowable future is to acquire new skills. Clearly, doing so will lead to profit; heck, if you live near a good-sized stream and were able to throw together a few of these, you could probably power your whole home right now.

After all, according to the video, just one cranks out enough power to run a fridge, two freezers, lights, a toaster, electric kettle, computer, tv, and hot water heater. That's an impressive amount of free power.

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