This Miracle-Working Substance in a Kitchen Has the Power to Stop a Wound From Bleeding


When you accidentally get a cut or any wound, you probably assume right away that it will take an extended period for the bleeding to stop. Depending on how severe the injury is, even minor cuts can take a long time to heal.

However, what if there was a way to stop the bleeding and heal wounds faster? Luckily for you, this miracle remedy isn't difficult to find!

Just by looking at a spice rack you can find an easy way to stop a cut from bleeding. So what is this miracle substance? Keep reading to discover how you can apply it!

It's simple and incredibly easy to use and apply it. Not to mention, you can also apply this topically and even consume it for faster healing. But of course, if there's any doubt always consult a doctor first!

Discover how you can quickly and efficiently stop a cut from bleeding on the next page!

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  1. Nick Dirk said:

    Chap stick is a thick water based solid, great for small cuts and it works good on your$#%&!@*too if you need some lube

  2. Ron Hosea said:

    A woman who works in a slaughter house told me this years ago. Laugh if you want, IT WORKS. It will stop bleeding almost instantly. And unless the wound IS ON YOUR TONGUE, it don’t burn like you think it would.

  3. Bill Coffey said:

    Salt actually is often good for an open wound.

    Still not sure about the article though.

  4. Charles Mooneyham said:

    Bill Coffey some told me it actually works and doesn’t burn…offered up a bio reason why… still… I’d wanna research it more….

  5. Mark Waddell said:

    I use ground coffee and it works great. I drilled a hole through my thumb a while back and the ground coffee stopped the bleeding in under a minute

  6. Reuban Keeley said:

    If it’s cayenne pepper I’ve tried it on a deep Stanley knife wound and it sure worked

  7. David Fee said:

    Somehow this sounds like a joke knowing cayenne pepper adds heat to food. I need an independent user to verify before I try that.

  8. Chip Fisher said:

    There’s a new powder out you pour into the cut and clots immediately.

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