This Miracle-Working Substance in a Kitchen Has the Power to Stop a Wound From Bleeding


When you accidentally get a cut or any wound, you probably assume right away that it will take an extended period for the bleeding to stop. Depending on how severe the injury is, even minor cuts can take a long time to heal.

However, what if there was a way to stop the bleeding and heal wounds faster? Luckily for you, this miracle remedy isn't difficult to find!

Just by looking at a spice rack you can find an easy way to stop a cut from bleeding. So what is this miracle substance? Keep reading to discover how you can apply it!

It's simple and incredibly easy to use and apply it. Not to mention, you can also apply this topically and even consume it for faster healing. But of course, if there's any doubt always consult a doctor first!

Discover how you can quickly and efficiently stop a cut from bleeding on the next page!

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  1. Michael Blosser said:

    Tony, why the heck can’t Die Hard Survivor, learn to just provide the information instead of using the format of 10,000 ads per page and forcing us to click on numerous pages to get the answer. I love their information but HATE their delivery!

  2. Brian Price said:

    I thought this was “Die hard Survivor” I’m in the kitchen? Just heat up a spoon with the stove and press it upon the wound!

  3. Ken Gibbs said:

    How do you not keep pine tree resin in the cabinet really grinds my gears. lol

  4. Temüjin said:

    God knows mate..
    But you’ve got sharp knives so test it for us and post the results 😉

  5. James Kelly said:

    Ive heard some funny things but… Someone used ground pepper that seemed to work. I seel on solid top if it’s bad. I’ll try honey though, I could see that working to a certain extent.

  6. Temüjin said:

    Yeh should deffo read into the honey heeling powers its quality.
    It deffo helped with my tiny but pretty deep axe wound on my hand lol.

  7. Temüjin said:

    Plus some of the things this page posts is complete bollox lol..

  8. Rick Thompson said:

    If you’re in the kitchen just open the medicine cabinet and grab some gauze or a bandaid.

  9. Don Campbell said:

    I have been using this all my life, and it’s way better than they say it is. They don’t know how to use it, or they have a liability problem.

  10. William Zane Cater said:

    I think a lot of people in the comments are confusing stopping bleeding with infection control.

  11. Cathy Dunn said:

    I Bleed Longer; Being On A Blood Thinner; I Have ALWAYS Rinced My Cuts With Salt Water; Yes; It Stings Worse Than A Bee; But It Stops The Bleeding Faster.

  12. Brad Kidd said:

    Sugar, cayenne, tea bags, flour, corn starch, black pepper, tumeric, white vinegar, cinnamon, ground coffee, goldenseal root, vaseline, spider webs, are also fairly common items that work

  13. Ralph Foster said:

    Superglue works great! Seen nba coaches use it to get players back on the court right away! And I’ve used it several times since

  14. David Schuster said:

    I chopped the tip of my thumb off last year (to the bone), and no amount of pressure, or sugar, or bandages would suppress the heavy flow. I found this online, ran to the store, and applied it, stopped it immediately. Awesome stuff. I keep them in several different first aid kits now, including in the car.

  15. Nick Dirk said:

    Chap stick works too! It’s like putting fake skin on

  16. Charles Mooneyham said:

    I’m sorry… but this sounds as bright as rubbing salt into an open wound…. magic cure! Got a hang nail? Just lift finger nail and slide bamboo shoots between your nail and finger!!!! Wtf

  17. Charles Mooneyham said:

    See that seems logical to me… rubbing one of the hottest peppers into a wound sounds as brilliant as hitting your self repeatedly in the head with a hammer for a headache, because it just so happens to feel good when you stop!

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