This Apocalyptic Jeep is Incredible and Will be on Any Prepper’s Wishlist!

Jeep featured

If you were ever a fan of Mad Max you will be drooling over this car. It has muscle and is meant to last! Can you image it as your SHTF vehicle? Now that would be sweet!

Dubbed the Rock Rat, the build is based off a 1947 Willy’s CJ2A body that’s clearly been chopped and stretched into the beast before you. And, of course, since this apocalyptic Jeep had plans to romp around in the desert Kenny knew it had to host a diesel engine to power the whole project. So what he got was an old 12V from a school bus that he and the good people over at Industrial Injections and Turbonetics tuned up. Now, the Rock Rat boasts over 700hp and 1,200 ft.-lb of torque.



Images via Hauk Designs/Hi-consumption


The tires are 44” Pit Bull on B.A.D Beadlock wheels! Go over to Hi-consumption to learn more about how this simple jeep was repurposed into a “beast” any prepper or survivalist will love!

Personally, we might consider some doors or a roof but – hey – his is not you Daddy’s off-road apocalyptic ride!

Featured Image via Hauk Designs/Hi-consumption


  1. David Flud said:

    If you are wanting a gas driven vehicle for the apocolyps I hope you know how to make your own fuel and have a way to defend your distillery. Or you should just get smart and start buying horses…

  2. David Flud said:

    Jezzey petes people….. You can try to defend it all day long but a horse and a bycicle are really going to be your only options after a year or so. Unless you know how to make the stuff to keep it running. And I know over half of you don’t know how to do that.

  3. Robbie Beattie said:

    It’s too wide for most places. It’s turbo charged which while adding more power is still ultimately a detriment in the long run when you inevitably blow the turbo seals. It’s another one of those big impractical toys made to make people go stupid.

  4. Jim Andrews said:

    Nice vehicle but I wouldn’t want one.
    How about a nice hybrid diesel power one??
    Runs on battery packs for stealth and diesel juice for power and recharging the battery packs.


