Think You Can’t Put Together a Bug Out Bag From Walmart Alone? YES You Can and Here’s How:

walmart bug out

Constructing a bug out bag is an expensive process. Keep in mind: you are putting together a couple of weeks worth of supplies, and that's going to add up… However, you can save a lot of money and still have a great bug out bag simply by doing your survival shopping at Walmart! Check out the video to learn how!

In any survival situation, having the right tools will make or break you. While you may think of Walmart as a peddler of cheap and unreliable gear, if you know what to look for they have a good number of reliable survival tools.

Remember, a bug out bag is ideally set up to simply get you to your bug out location; the stuff doesn't need to stand up for years of abuse. Keeping that in mind, you can save a lot of money on your bug out bag and apply that money to your bug out location, instead, stocking up on food, water and other supplies.


  1. Jason Motz said:

    It’s also wise to purchase Ziploc bags to pack every item individually to protect it from moisture etc..


