Things To Do The Moment SHTF

Do you know exactly what you need to know when SHTF? Do you know what you're going to do first? Today we're going to tell you EXACTLY what you need to do during a SHTF scenario.

It's good to have a plan, and it's even better to have something prepared that you can understand, modify if need be, and commit it to memory. Yes, having it written down is highly recommended – we understand our brains can sometimes fail us when we're under extreme duress.

However the more we think these plans and exercise though, the easier it will be to recall them during a time of need. Don't get caught up in the moment. Have a plan! In today's post we're going to show you 9 specific things you'll want to do during a SHTF scenario.

Continue reading on page 2 to and learn which Things To Do The Moment SHTF! Some might surprise you…. 


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