Things to Consider When Deciding to Heat with Wood

splitting and cutting wood

One of the downsides to heating with wood is the fact that you actually have to have wood and a lot of it if you heat your home regularly. That means you have to make some decisions.

If you use a moderate amount, you can have pre-cut wood delivered, but you have to stack it. If you use a lot of wood, the most cost effective way is to have logs delivered and cut and split the wood on your own (even though you still need to stack it).

Splitting your own wood, however, poses its own questions.

Are you fit enough to split several cords? Do you have the right tools? Do you know how to use them? Do you have enough room to split and stack the wood you need?

The video on the next page covers some of these questions and also shows one tool for splitting pieces of large firewood into smaller, more usable sections.

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