They Show Us How to Test Our Soil. Learn What the Necessary Components Are to Ensure a Bountiful Harvest!

vegetables in farm

Check out the steps to balancing your soil below. Even if you do not think you are the best prepper in the world, you CAN have an awesome garden!

How to balance your soil:

If your soil is about 10% clay, 70% silt and 20% sand, your soil is called Silty Soil. This can be improved by adding more organic matter.
If your soil is about 30% clay, 60% silt and 10% sand, you have Silty Clay Soil. Do not add more sand, but improve by watering your soil more and exposing it to more water.
If your soil is 15% clay, 20% silt, and 65% sand, your soil is called Sandy Soil. This can be improved by adding more organic matter.

When you have a family and you are a prepper, you tend to designate certain areas to the family members you think will do the best for that “thing”. Canning may be your daughter’s specialty, weapons and transportation belong to Dad, and storage is little Billy’s specialty. Then there is the garden. Mom generally gets the garden. Not always, of course, but in our family, I have the “green thumb” so growing things is my bag.

However, we were coming up short in our garden at one point and had to do some research to make it right. The above advice from Homesteading and photos hit the nail on the head. Make notes and do not ignore it! Fresh vegetables will be a prize once the SHTF!


One Comment;

  1. O'Brian Johnson said:

    This is the “Drip trickle fertigation system” I created one 4 years ago its pretty impressive


