These Survival Foods Will Outlive You

As a survivalist you probably already have a well-stocked pantry. But did you ever wonder if those crackers you stored away in an air-tight baggy three years ago are still crunchy but not stale?

Could there be mold on that vacuumed sealed box of cereal? Wouldn’t it be great just to buy something and know it will survive indefinitely?

There are a lot of foods out there that can endure the grid going down. We are not talking about dehydrated foods.

These are full-fledge food items you can eat out of the box … or can … or bottle! As long as you keep them in a cool dry space they are as good as gold! That, of course, is ideal for a survivalist!

Go over to page 2 and check out the items you can gather and keep forever!

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  1. Ian Smith said:

    Surviving in Va there is no need for stored foods, bit good to know.

  2. Ray Watkins said:

    @[184104330:2048:Stephanie Holmes Watkins] @[100000124222667:2048:Charles Neil Prestwood]


