These DIY Waterproof Fire Starters Will Come in Handy During a Survival Situation


In a survival situation, being able to start a fire is going to be the one thing that keeps you going through any scenario. It will allow you to boil water, to cook food, to stay warm, and to ward off predators and signal for aid.

There are a lot of ways to get a fire going, but usually, the best way is to have a good base from which to start. One of the best materials you can use to catch a spark or a flame is a wad of cotton, which is highly effective thanks to its surface area.

Unfortunately, if that cotton gets wet, it will be useless. This means you have to come up with a way to keep your cotton balls dry no matter what.

In the tutorial on the next page, you will be able to do exactly that, storing your fire starting cotton balls in a drinking straw in a way that is watertight and guaranteed to keep them ready at all times.

Featured Image via DIY Ready

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