These Defense Tools Can Save Your Life When SHTF – Find Out What They Are and How to Use Them

self defense tools

Hopefully you will be able to successfully prevent an attack in the first place, but if this is not the case, the tips in the video can come in mighty handy when fending off an attacker. These are simple steps you can take to prevent, or fend off, an attack by an unknown aggressor.

The best part about this video is that not only does it tell you how to use the three items presented, it also gives crucial advise as to how to avoid being attacked in the first place. For instance, never approach dark areas unless you've checked them out first with a light. You can then use the flashlight as a self defense tool, as no one will want to approach you when they are blinded by the equivalence of the sun. Hopefully you won't have to use the self defense weapons shown, but if you do, this video provided an excellent lesson in entering an attack and coming out on top.

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