These Controversial Medicinal Plants Could Save Lives When a Collapse Take Place…

Willow tree

This list is just a small sampling of natural medicinal plants that are beneficial and potentially life-saving. Be sure to share this with all your friends.

1- Willow Tree
Unbeknownst to many preppers, willow trees contain salicylic acid. This acid is an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever, and is a component used in making Aspirin.
To get the salicylic acid, strip bark off the branches, and then steep the bark in boiling water for 10 minutes. Strain the bark out of the water, and drink the water once it’s cool.
Certain willows have more salicylic acid than others; in an emergency, go for the European Willow, Pussy Willow, and Crack Willow.
2- Poppy Seeds
Poppy seeds contain morphine; therefore, they provide excellent pain relief for headaches and muscle pain, and can even speed up the healing process.
Poppy seeds can also speed up your metabolism, strengthen your immune system, and can help keep your vision strong in your later years.
If that weren’t enough, poppy seeds have also been shown to help:
Heart Health
Type 2 Diabetes
Nerve Functioning
Bone Health
Blood Pressure
3- Coco
The coca plant is the source of the illegal drug cocaine; however, despite its bad reputation this plant has a surprising amount of medicinal uses.
For example, chewing coca leaves helps relieve hunger and fatigue, while coca tea can help with altitude sickness.
Coca extract can also be used to help treat asthma and colds, and can be used to stimulate stomach function.
4- Iboga
The iboga plant is controversial due to its hallucinogenic and psychedelic properties when taken in large doses; however, its bark can help treat depression and substance abuse disorders when taken in small doses.
5- Peyote
Peyote is a small cactus that is illegal to possess, but can help with some serious medicinal ailments.
For example, peyote has been used to treat fevers, rheumatism and paralysis. You can even apply it to the skin to help treat fractures, snakebite and other wounds.
6- Psilocyben Mushrooms
These “magic mushrooms” are frowned upon due to their hallucinogenic nature; however, studies have shows that users reported greater feelings of well-being and improved behavior.
Studies have also shown that these mushrooms can do much more in the right setting – such as treating addictions, PTSD and mental traumas.
Whether you agree with these medical “treatments” or not, it’s important to be aware of both the positive and negative effects of these controversial medicinal plants.
However, whether you choose to use these ideas or not, I think there’s one thing we can all agree on – if you’re in a survival situation, you need to make sure that you have a constant, dependable way to be able to help treat ailments quickly and effectively.
You may not be able to choose your bug out location in an emergency, and you may not have these medicinal plants (or others like them) around you; however, there is ONE thing you have control over when it comes to fulfilling your medicinal needs: having a first-aid kit.
Unlike most of these plants, you can immediately use the healing properties of a first-aid kit to treat your physical wounds – without the nasty side effects.
Luckily, we’ve got a vast array of first-aid kits in our online survival store. Each of these life-saving kits contains tons of medical equipment that allow you to treat your physical ailments and keep moving on to safety.
Plus, with a vast array of sizes and equipment, you can choose a first-aid kit that matches you and your family’s specific needs.
Check them out below and grab a first-aid kit that will help you and your family prepare for an upcoming emergency.

Did any medicinal plant on the list surprise you? It's important to learn and memorize these plants because you never know when you may need them during a SHTF moment. After all, the more you learn the better! Tell us your thoughts about these plants and if they have worked for you when you've been out in the wild in the comment section below.

For more on medicinal plants check out Survival Frog.

Featured Image via Flickr


