These 5 Insane Uses for Ginger Ale Are Useful for SHTF and More

Ginger Ale

Ginger ale: not just for underage bar patrons anymore. When you find yourself in a SHTF situation, this amazing drink can be worth its weight, especially when you're feeling a bit under the weather. After all, you could let yourself continue to feel miserable while popping chalky pills, or you could cure what ails you with something that will also improve your morale. Look below to see some great uses for this great drink.

Stomach Aches
If you have a stomach ache and you want to find a quick cure then ginger ale is for you. Some sodas won't help with your stomach but this will. Just take a sip and you will feel better in no time.
Tenderize Crock Pot Meat
If you want to tenderize your pot roast and add some flavor to it then just add 1/2 cups of ginger ale to your roast and continue to cook.
Sore Throat
To soothe a sore throat heat up some ginger ale to concentrate it and drink it slowly.
Soothe A Cold
If you have a cold then drink some lemonade and ginger ale. Ginger and lemon both have sinus clearing properties.
Heart Burn
If you drink some ginger ale you can quickly cure your heartburn. Just take a few swigs and you should feel better. Because ginger ale has real ginger in it, it is a good substitute for ginger.

A great use on this list is to apply ginger ale to meat that is stewing; this will soften the tougher meats that you may find yourself eating when SHTF and will also make them more palatable by adding a bit of extra flavor. As the last sentence says, what makes ginger ale so great is that it has real ginger in it, making it just about as useful as the real thing. Not only that, but ginger ale provides a carbonated boost that many of us will be craving when SHTF, so packing some of this drink in your bug out location might not be a bad idea.

There are a lot more uses for ginger ale that make it a great thing to have on hand on a daily basis, as well. To read the entire list, check out Instructables.

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