These 20 Steps Will Help You Become the Ultimate Prepper

survival kit

If you want to be a prepper, you may be confused as to how you should start. It can be a daunting process, with hundreds, if not thousands, of sources on the matter all pulling you this way and that.

You will be told that you should buy this, not that, that you should prepare for this, not that. It's a crazy world out there, but the most important thing you can do is to prepare for what you feel the most possible threats are.

When you start prepping, you may be confused for a time, but the most important thing is that you've started.

There are many hundreds of steps to being a top prepper, but to break it down fully, there are really only 20 steps you need to be worried about right off the bat.

On the next page, you can see what these 20 steps are.

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