There’s More Than Just a Bug Out Cabin – Emergency Shelters You Should Know About NOW

pine cave shelter

What Kind Of Shelter Do You Have Prepared For The Collapse? Having The Emergency Shelters And Learning How To Make Them Could Mean The Difference Between Life And Heath. Here's What You NEED To Know:

Bugging out to your cabin in the woods is all fun and games until your location becomes compromised in some way or another. Whether due to and EMP, weather or other aggressive survivors doesn't matter; you now have to find a way to provide yourself with shelter before conditions get to where you won't survive without it.

For tens of thousands of years, humans were mobile creatures, hardly ever staying in the same place twice and simply relying on shelters crafted from whatever materials they could find or carry with them.

This method allowed them to make the most of the resources available in the region, setting up camp near prey, water or tool materials whenever they needed them. If it came down to it, you could do the same.

Find out how to craft a variety of wilderness shelters on the next page for those “just in case” situations.

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