The Top 10 Survival Foods You Need to Stockpile NOW Will Surprise You…

canned food

One of the most important things you should consider in your bug out/emergency preparedness supplies is an ample supply of quality foods that will get you through a good amount of time without having to go to the grocery store.

You never know when a power outage or natural disaster is going to strike and make going to the supermarket for food impossible. What if something even worse happens?

If there is a terrorist attack or an EMP by a foreign government, having food to last months or even up to a year could be a necessity. For that reason, making sure you have the best foods you can get your hands on and preserving those foods for the coming year is very important.

To see what you should be packing away in your storage room, we encourage you to look at the great list on the next page.

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  1. Ken Coles said:

    It’s supposed to be ” of click bait sites. ”
    These sites that make you open a page, then click on the next button..
    It’s a way for FB sites to pad their numbers.

  2. Mickell Wright said:

    If you have ever met a Utahan, non of this stuff is surprising. They all have this in their food storage.

  3. Dawn Banach said:

    Becareful because some of it spoils. It will go rancid if you don’t keep it rotated. Nothing would be worse than to need it in an emergency and find out its not edible.

  4. Arlan Goins said:

    So you try to be responsible and have a large pantry built up. Then something happens and the government takes your stuff. Obama signed an Executive Order that allows Homeland to take food from people who are “hoarding”. And just now the Mormons voted against Trump. They must be the singlest largest group that stores food for emergencies. The biggest problem with this country is that the general public is stupid and easily led – sheep.

  5. Anna Fitch said:

    Not surprising at all. A little silly to think that store-bought jerky is the same as fully dehydrated meat, since it’s still flexible and often sticky rather than really dry, most brands of it get moldy a month or two after the expiration date. Coffee (not even a food) and chocolate are not “Needs” and so those don’t fit the title. Algae pills? Really? The rest of this list is pretty obvious if you’ve ever had to feed a family on a budget and the vegetables and fruits can be grown, some even do well indoors (lettuce, parsley & radishes do well in windowsills when they get plenty of water) and if you think about it there are creative ways of growing low profile gardens in the back yard, so save up some seeds for your favorite easy-grow edible plants. Stockpiles can be stolen by the government, so can seed stores, so can your house, so can pretty much all the stuff we’ve all so carefully accumulated. Knowledge (of your area, local wild edibles, plant propagation, first aid, finding clean water, building shelter, etc.) is the best survival tool you can ever have no matter the situations that may arise.


