The Top 10 Most Menacing Animals in the World Will Shock You. #10 is Spine-Chilling!

Black Mamba

When you stop and think about the most menacing animals in the world, the big predators that are on top of the food chain may come to mind. You're well aware of these animals — they're the ones with the big teeth and huge claws. The phrase “lions and tigers and bears, oh my!” with the image of a scary force probably also crosses your mind.

Well, that's not entirely true. There are several species that you likely didn't think about when you saw the word “menacing.”

These are the animals that don't always make the headlines when they attack, but they are still just as dangerous. At times, they also can be small and innocent looking too, but don't let that fool you. The little animals are usually the ones you should steer clear of the most (though #10 might be impossible).

On the next page find out what the 10 most menacing animals in the world are, starting with a creepy crawly animal that'll make you shudder just by seeing the image!

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  1. John Cisneros said:

    They left out Mosquitos. One of the most dangerous animals in the world.

  2. Linda Peters said:

    Well, they can fit under a snakes belly, so, you take it from there!!

  3. Anonymous said:

    Not “one of”…
    The mosquito tops the danger list and is responsible for more deaths than ALL other animals combined, excepting humans. of course.

  4. Mark Rush said:

    humans and their religions have slaughtered more than the others combined

  5. Tracy Hayes said:

    Stay as far away from number ten as possible. I live by this rule! They are dangerous!

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