The List: Discover What Important Items Your Survival Kit Should Include

survival gear

Every survivalist has in their mind what the perfect survival kit looks like.

Equally, every survivalist has “pet items” that they cannot do without that differ from everyone else's and of course, there are basics that every survival kit must have.

What, though, is that comprehensive list? What has to be in there and what can you do without? What is overkill? What will you discover you desperately need afterwards?

These are all questions anyone who is prepared for a survival situation gives a lot of consideration and thinks about.

Unfortunately, space and storage concerns limit exactly what we can put into a survival kit. A kit differs from a bug-out-bag because it is more restrictive.

On the next page, we have a list of the basics that every kit should include as a minimum. These items should be in your kit to make sure you and your family can make it through a survival moment.

Via Off Grid Survival

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  1. ChiliadBeing said:

    Good list, I have most of them. I added a few baggies of dryer lint for fire tender.

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