The Incredible Evidence That Shows Our Minds Are Hardwired to Survive

survivalist during SHTF

Have you ever wondered why most of us love a good “underdog” story?

Whether it is a modern day “good agent” taking on corruption or a superhero defeating the bad guy or even the “against all odds” sports team snatching victory from the jaws of defeat, we love to see the “little guy” prevail.

Conversely, massive organizations in our fiction are almost always corrupt, bad guys have all the cool weapons and that team that always wins is loathed, except by the home crowd.

Why is that?

In part, it is because the story line of “little guys beats all odds” is just a good narrative.

Part of it though, is also the fact that as humans, a story of survival and prevailing is a story of us.

From the primordial ooze, so to speak, the human story is a story of survival.

In fact, on the next page, we explain why it might be hardwired into our psyche.

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