The Green Beret Guide To Being Armed: What You Need To Know


Survival in any situation is a matter of being prepared for any occasion that may arise. Too often, people put themselves in peril simply by not preparing or expecting the sudden SHTF moment.

Here is a brief list of what you need to make sure you are prepared for an emergency scenario.

First things first: always be armed.  The ones who do not wish you to be armed are those who are armed.  Those who are armed place those who are unarmed into work/death camps or kill them outright.  What state do you live in?  Do you have open carry laws?  Do your homework…and then make your own decision.

Here is the ultimate concealed carry law: Amendment II  A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

The Constitution of the United States of America, December 15, 1791.

“…the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

Such is the reason that state after state sees their feeble “concealed carry” laws crumble when challenged: they do not hold water to the Constitution of the United States of America.  You need to be armed at all times to increase your chance of survival.

Let’s talk about some things that may work for you.

Cargo pants.  These are preferred because of what you can stash in them.  You can hold an infinite combination of gear in them…a polar-tech cap and a balaclava, a “drive-on” (do) rag – the o.g. Army cravat.  You can carry shooting gloves (leather for all-weather) and ear plugs (radians do tell!).  With all of these things in the cargoes, there is still plenty of room for the main function:  when you change your mags or speed loaders, you can shove the empties in your cargo pockets.

For ammo, have (depending on your caliber) (1) loaded mag/chambers with hollow-points, and a backup of Buffalo Bore or another type of +P rounds.  Such can be switched out when the storm troopers step out of their Tie-fighters/MRAP’s.  With pistols, always have one in the hole, and always be scrupulously conscious of it.  Before you are dangerous to the bad guys, it would behoove you to not be dangerous to yourself or to other good guys.

I strongly recommend an “Uncle Mike” type of plastic holster that holds your piece in your beltline, and an additional mag pouch/speed loader pouch on your belt.  A good folding knife and a Gerber or Leatherman tool is also strongly recommended.  Don’t use them!  Keep them in immaculate and serviceable condition.  If you need to use tools, use other tools.  You want what is on you to be in perfect condition for when conditions are not perfect.

Good footgear is quite important.  Living in Montana, I have my footgear for extreme cold winter weather (Rocky Goretex) and then switch to issue Jungles in the summer, usually black.  I also wear desert tan (intermediate cold) issues.  Whatever your preference, you need to be able to walk with a load on your back in them and be comfortable as well as have those ankles supported.  Quality socks are very important as well.  From the time that a grid down/SHTF event happens, you have to be ready to rock and roll immediately!  Your survival may depend on how you are dressed/can quick-change into vestments, and how much equipment you have on your person at that time!

Being armed and prepared is key to surviving that SHTF moment. If you are not prepared, you reduce your chances exponentially compared to someone who is. For more information on what you need to ensure you have an edge in that SHTF moment, please visit SHTF Plan.



