The Five C’s of Survival … Simplified

Every survivalist knows the Principle of 3's to survival: 3 minutes without air, 3 hours without shelter, 3 days without water, 3 weeks without food.

Elemental to mastering those, though, are the Five C's: Cover, Cordage, Container, Cutting and Combustion.

That might seem pretty basic, but when you get down to it, each of those items you will use every day you are facing a survival situation, mainly because you use them every day you are not facing a survival situation.

Even something as simple as tying your shoes requires cordage.

If you find yourself without one of these items in a survival situation, though, you greatly diminish your chances of making it out in one piece.

The video on the next page discusses the 5 C's, but more importantly, discusses ways you can improvise if you find yourself without one.


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  1. Mike Bryan said:

    I’ll just download a survival app if I ever get stranded in the wilderness.

  2. John Bonot said:

    Rofl…”The Five C’s”. Who comes up with this stuff.


