The Best States to Head for When All Hell Breaks Loose


Just about every prepper has a bug out plan, which in other words is a strategy for what steps to take when a survival crisis takes place and it's wise to move to a safer location (or perhaps bug in).

What's less considered is where people should head to beyond their bug out location.

Some questions you should ask yourself is what locations are best for long-term survival. Also, consider what obstacles and threats could exist in your area that could affect your quality of life. Finally, what is the best place to head to?

A lot of people don't ask themselves these questions, especially if you already have a bug-out location planned out.

However, knowing where to go to when SHTF or post-collapse is just as important as knowing how to get there.

To discover one man's opinion as to where the best places are to head to when all hell breaks loose, visit to the next page. 

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  1. Sean McCallum said:

    Without an EPA, likely won’t be many places left worth bugging out to.

  2. Dan Wolf said:

    While certainly a good idea to learn about places you ‘might’ want to, or be able to get to; a more practical idea would be to first get some maps of your local area and identify what resources you have nearby(grocery stores, hardware stores, gas stations, etc) as well as at least two or more routes to take if you do have to leave. Most folks typically plan a bug out location no more than 2 days on foot or bike from their home location so know your own area well. Plan ahead, scout ahead, keep your head…….. just sayin……

  3. Scott Furl said:


  4. Anonymous said:

    Horseshit. Too many factors the author doesn’t take into account.

  5. Jeramiah Hinkle said:

    Love it!!! Everyone, please stay out of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula for your safety and my selfish reasons!!:) Stay safe yall

  6. Jay Detroit said:


  7. Jilliane Clark said:

    I don’t agree with the list of states. On the bright side if everyone follows this list I’ll be in good shape.

  8. Cody Fairchild said:

    WV has some of the most abundant game/fish in the country, some of the cleanest natural springs, 81 people per square mile, the best gun/knife laws (none), low taxes/cost of living, hard-to-get-to terrain, and somehow doesn’t break the top 20?! But you’re directing people to deserts and states when you can’t even own hi-cap mags and switchblades? Smart

  9. John Parker said:

    Sounds good but you wont know until the “event” just be mobile,adaptable, and as well supplied as your $ will allow you to be.

  10. John Parker said:

    Nope, and guess where my profile pic is taken, had a beautiful view of lake superior and a few iron mines, and a monster ski ramp… but ill keep it a secret.

  11. Erik Bondrowski said:

    I’m thinking from the list the provided as “safe” besides if and when Yellowstone erupts most of those states will be gone .. look more towards the west of the Appalachian mountains around West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, or Tennessee might be better choices

  12. Danny McMahan said:

    Commiefornia #19? I am stuck here for a few years but #1, 3, 4
    are on my list of places to move to.

  13. Jeramiah Hinkle said:

    I may or may not be living in, around or near Powell City;);) stay safe bro!!!:) Nothing but bad water, very little game and certainly no wood, terrible place to not only survive but thrive.

  14. John Parker said:

    Thanks for the info, i was gonna hole up in the casino at watersmeet anyway lol

  15. Drew Bob said:

    Don’t come to Duluth MN. We have no water in lake Superior, no fish, and certainly no deer roaming everywhere. Also absolutely no trees for structure or fire..

  16. Matthew Allen said:

    What happens in a state that has a majority of hunters (MT and ID for example), and all of a sudden non locals come in and start stealing their food supply? EVERY one I’ve talked to would switch to long pig, and the non locals would dry up fast!

  17. Erik Bondrowski said:

    Just gotta find a southern location in Ohio to stay away from nuclear fallout from all the nuclear facilities in the general area

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