The 5 Unbreakable Laws of Survival Everyone Needs to Understand

What does it take to survive TEOTWAWKI? Apart from a whole lot of luck and skill, it takes a whole lot of planning. After all, luck favors the prepared. Are you? Prepared, that is?

There are a number of things to keep in mind when prepping for hard times, and the first of which is that those hard times can come from any number of sources: social unrest, solar flare wiping out the grid, nuclear war, conventional war, natural disasters, disease, etc., etc., etc. No matter what the cause, the steps to survival are often the same.

There are five steps to keep in mind for any survival situation, and successfully planning for these items of consideration will do wonders in keeping you and your family safe in the event of a catastrophic collapse of everything we know and love.

What five steps do you need to keep in mind for the end of the world? Find out on the next page. 

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  1. Shawn Page said:

    How to turn a kid into a die hard survivor? Take their iPhone away, and make them walk to the pay phone!

  2. Mack McCord said:

    Wrong on the cash. When the system collapses paper money will be worthless. Food, water, and arms will be the barter system.

  3. Jonathan Palmer said:

    The picture is a person wearing a gas mask, combat boots, and a 9 mm. Is that something you WANT to survive? What a miserable existence

  4. Michael Burrows said:

    I would like to think yes I would want to survive just because on area of the world gets fucked up doesn’t mean the rest of the world is plenty of people in WW1 wore gas masks, combat boots and carried rifles im sure every swinging long dicked gunslinger was very happy to live

  5. Jonathan Palmer said:

    The female g spot is located approximately 2-3 inches inside close to the$#%&!@* Don’t push in as far and angle up just a little and you’ll have much less need for your long$#%&!@*and hopefully be more focused on the here abd now rather than a fictional apocalypse that video gamers dwell on. Think about it. Duo you REALLY think that the corporations in control would risk such profit margins?

  6. Tyler Guild said:

    Well it’d be unknown If the system will bounce back. Might as well be prepared. Isn’t that what it’s all about?

  7. Ed Bentrup said:

    Have some silver to trade. But, after Katrina, having 20$ bills bought lots of stuff


