The 10 Most Dangerous Animals in the World You Should Avoid at All Costs. #10 is Shocking!

black mamba

If you take the time to think about some of the most dangerous animals in our world, the largest, fiercest predators probably come to mind. You've likely dreamed about these animals or seen them on a film, which has only intensified your fear since they have big teeth and large claws. You know, like that bear who attacks Hugh Glass in The Revenant.

Yes, you're right to be afraid of large animals because many are dangerous, however, so are the smaller ones. In fact, usually, these animals are just as — if not more — deadly.

Many of the menacing animals out there don't make the news when they cause a fatality. Thes animals are silent killers that look innocent but in reality, they're not. These are the blood-curling animals you should stay away from at all costs (except #10 may be a challenge).

After the break, you'll be in shock when you find out what the 10 most dangerous animals in the world are. The first animal you've probably read about before, but it's unlikely that you really know what it is capable of! 

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  1. Skyler Abell said:

    The snake is not harmful when left alone. Any snake is like that except the very few that stand ground during breeding season. Know the surroundings first. Snakes are nothing to fear. Especially in a survival situation.

  2. Mack Sanders said:

    Stanley Hartman, this link is a “hit generator”. The topic is interesting, but when you click the link, you have to then click multiple times to see the list that could have been displayed with one click.

    Man, I HATE these sorts of links and wish facebook would…oh…wait, facebook WANTS more clicks for its advertisers…sorry, never mind.

  3. Ryan Hampton said:

    I was actually glad to see that humans were on there. Because at are very core we are nothing more than animals highly intelligent ones. Who caused more death two other humans then the top 100 most dangerous animals combined.

  4. Lloyd Smith said:

    Are people on the list?….i feel like people should be on the list…..

  5. Chris George said:

    1. Republicans
    2. Police
    3. Children
    4. Domestic cats
    5. Democrats

    Those are the 5 you really need to stay away from

  6. Fred Gollatz said:

    At least they warn you before killing you for food or in self defense. Humans are more deadly a creature, plus, a human is the only creature that imprisons its enemies, that I’m aware of..

  7. Ronald Cossin said:

    The Black Mamba … Thing Looks like it Could Kill you just for looking at it

  8. David Gardiner said:

    Hmm can’t believe the taipan and brown snake aren’t in the list has me baffled they are one of the most venomous snakes in the world the coastal taipan in Australia is like a ballistic missile with fangs and the brown snake from Aus to kill you very quickly.

  9. Turner Wright said:

    Goggle ‘Venom Superman’ on Vice. This guy injects all kinds of snake venom into his veins.

  10. Stephen P Cohen said:

    Oh wow. How Hitchcock-ian with the boring twist on number 10. **(rolls eyes instead of being shockingly humbled)** We get it. Thanks for the lesson. Crappy click bait uninformative anti-climactic b.s.

  11. James Heilig said:

    I agree with the majority and only clicked the comments to type what others shared.
    HUMANS are the most dangerous creatures on this planet!! Stay far-far away from them if you can.

  12. Ricky Mercado said:

    Alligator, crocodile, hippo, poisionus snakes, black widow spiders, we’ll all spiders, bears, lions, tigers, Sharks, piranhas


