Even if you think you're ready to bug out, preparing to bug out is a lot more than just stockpiling supplies, food, water, and putting together a kick ass bug out bag. In addition to storing everything you need, it's vital to come up with an effective plan to get yourself and your family to your bug out location when SHTF.
Even if you do not have a bug out cabin and location ready for SHTF, it's still important to have a rugged vehicle that'll get you where you need to go when the grid goes down. Think about it: when the stores get cleared out, and the police have deserted their post, it's vital to stop criminals from uncovering where and what you're doing. A durable SHTF vehicle is should be designed for fuel efficiency and keeping you safe, not necessarily SHTF reliability.
The truth is, today's vehicle simply won't cut it when it comes to a rugged rig you can count on.
After the break check out 10 vehicles that'll help you keep your wits about you when SHTF. Discover, which bug out vehicles, will stand the test when all hell breaks loose.
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Ty Kropp, even though the picture is a Chevy.
7.3 idi 5-speed 4×4
That Chevy ain’t one of them.
Yeah til in a year when all the gas has gone bad diesel might last a little longer alcohol fueled would be the best option set up a still to make your own fuel
Reliability, economy, mobility…..high mobility/mpg motorcycles are an excellent bug out choice as they can maneuver off road, and through gridlocked traffic. Can even tow a trailer if needed.
Found a fully insolated conversion van.
The Star Cruiser by Star Craft was a nice makeover for this Dodge van and She has a respectable towing capacity with the 5.9 engine and 3 speed auto$#%&!@*with overdrive.
Electronic ignitions. EMP would make totally useless….
All vehicles will fail at some point
Older model Silverado.
If you don’t have a planned bug out location your going to be in a real mess.
76 American Clipper, have a spare ignition module in a Faraday box extra. Big enuff to haul the preps and defensive stuff too…..
Get a horse or mule or two..
Got my bug out truck and my go bag let’s do this!
Daniel Davis
diesel. after 4-6 months gas will be bad or extremely hard to find. diesel will still be good and every big rig holds 200-300 gallons or more, plus tractors, dozers, etc.
No fuel when.shtf wake up.
Haha all garbage trucks
You’re all headed this way anyway… So Here’s my get me home tank….
See you when the SHTF!
We have 57 acres here Jon. We have a spot for ya…. Check out the new greenhouse…
I love this Jon… Damn that’s badass..
It won’t be a Chevy
#10 a bicycle LOL
Hot Dam now that’s h******e
You want your vehicle to above all be low key. You show up to a road check driving something out of Mad Max and your going to be in a mess. Dispose of those silly gun show stickers too they only draw unwanted attention.
Damn that looks awfully like my ’78 Scottsdale. True 4×4 posi front & rear w/400.
Wow they missed the ubiquitous Jeep Variants, Cherokees, CJ’s etc. if you can keep them in gas the 4.0L engines last for 300k miles or more in my experience also pretty easy to fix, lots of parts and cheap. Ymmv but I like them
Everyone has a bug out vehicle. There called legs. Because when the electric goes out gas ain’t coming out of the tanks.
Didn’t offer any new ideas. I suffered through going from page to page hoping to find a new idea. I hate having to scroll through pages. I usually don’t and move on.
EMP PEOPLE! Try to invest in a good horse or a good mountain bike. Those will be the BEST bug out transportation means
Good choice
Starter motors most likely won’t work
Scott Stephenson we got to finish the zonbie yruck i like the 5 ton truck.
We need to get it done!
My bug out vehicle.
Mine is a kick start dirt bike.