Take a Close Look at the World’s First Double Barrel Paintball Pistol.

paintball gun

One aspect of prepping that often takes the spotlight is loading up on arms and ammunition. This is a good practice to get into, as the other supplies you've stocked up on will become highly sought after when SHTF and the stores are cleared of their shelves.

It's also highly recommended within prepping circles that you practice with your weapons often at the range, as a gun is only as good as the one who wields it.

This same line of thinking can be applied to the hobby of paintball. Many in prepping circles are turning to this game as a way to practice real-world combat maneuvers and to increase teamwork mentality with their companions. Of course, with any game, the object is to win.

Thanks to a new double barrel paintball shotgun, winning is now going to come a whole lot easier. Take a look at the new gun on the next page.

Featured Image via Hi Consumption

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  1. Samuel Casey said:

    While paintball is fun, I wouldn’t recommend using it for combat training. One example is in paintball everything is “cover”. You neglect to learn the difference between cover and concealment.

  2. Rick Pierson said:

    Uh no back in mid 80’s a company made a double barrel kp5 Sheridan pump rifle paint slinger

  3. Brad Bj Price said:

    It wasn’t a pistol though was it.?.. I was thinking the same thing.. Used to use a single pump as a back up

  4. Rick Pierson said:

    No it wasn’t a pistol it was a full sized c/a rifle. But it was still a double barrel. Besides “pistol” is relative like an AR15 pistol

  5. John Bonot said:

    This thing is a POS. I have the single one. POS….PPPPPOOOOOSSSSS


