Tactical Hand Signals Every Survivalist Should Know

Hand signals when you cannot communicate as you normally would is an invaluable tool that is used in many, many environments.

NASCAR drivers use hand signals to indicate they are getting ready to hit the pit stop. NFL quarterbacks use them to shift offenses. In baseball, just about everyone on the team knows hand signals and most use them throughout a ball game.

In more serious situations, military personnel, SWAT and the police use them to communicate, particularly when silent communication is of the essence. You may know your team like the back of your hand, but communicating by ESP really is not very effective.

For a survivalist, using hand signals in a STHF moment is an invaluable tool as well, particularly if you need to be silent or cannot communicate by traditional means.

We will cover some handy (and crucial) basic hand signals every survivalist should know, before they get to that SHTF moment (seriously!) continue on….


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  1. Steve Ramsey said:

    A downloadable version of this that could be easily converted into cards would be an awesome addition to this post.

  2. Shawn Ratcliff said:

    Can’t zoom in to read them. This is a useless article but fortunately fairly common information.

  3. Jamie Sheldon said:

    Used only when your buddy is signaling for your to come over in the line of fire

  4. Brenton Gehred said:

    Being able to communicate silently amongst each other will be critical to staying alive and taking out the enemy. Share this information with other members in your group and set a due date to have these tactical hand signals memorized.

  5. Eric Riss said:

    I’m gonna learn all of em but then when I need to use them my bro gonna be like wtf are you doing?

  6. Eric Sanborn said:

    These are neither wrong nor right. They are one system. What matters is that you and your crew know a system that works for you.

  7. Fernando Aguilar said:

    @[100006634273282:2048:Albert Montecelo] @[1508084992:2048:Angel Ortiz] @[100000889312234:2048:Jesus Gonzalez] @[100001920107352:2048:Lety Aguilar] @[1398732554:2048:Stephany Montecelo] @[100001403487849:2048:Daisy Arreola]

  8. Alan Atkinson said:

    Anyone that thinks the world is B/W pic should rethink how much. Time they have . Work on living today not in fear

  9. Alan Echols said:

    If you are lucky enough to survive the first wave sucker punch this might be helpful in rescuing your captured sister or mother before the sex slave auction

  10. Travis Cox said:

    Largely overrated. The Army teaches them but I remember them not working very well. Shouldn’t wave your arms around, ruins the whole stealth thing. Cease fire, freeze, and get down about cover it.

  11. Michael Shepard said:

    I am a 26 year army veteran and this is not what we use. Look up FM 21-60 and you will find the official guidance

  12. Michael Shepard said:

    I am a 26 year army veteran and this is not what we use. Look up FM 21-60 and you will find the official guidance

  13. Mark Bogue said:

    Don’t forget to fly the middle finger towards the enemy.


