Survival Tips: Kids Edition

If you have children or have friends/family with children, this is a great opportunity to teach them some survival skills. Kids tend to get excited over projects and being outdoors. Their brains tend to soak up new information like a sponge providing you can break them away from their phone or whatever electronic devices is occupying their attention.

Summer is just around the corner and a lot of family based activities like like camping, fishing and hiking will take place outdoors. During these outdoor excursions, kids can develop skills and gain confidence that will prove crucial if ever a real-life crisis presents itself. As adults, we like to be prepared for the unknown. But it's just as important to teach the kids within our household so they can get familiar with survival essentials.

Original Image Source: U.S. Army Europe Images

On the following page, we'll break down some basic tips to teach your kids that will keep them entertained and informed. 


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