Survival Strategies from the Homeless – The Ultimate Survivalists

homeless man eating

Almost all of us have at least a little empathy for the homeless.

This has been especially true during recent tough economic times.

You simply do not know the situation someone is facing or faced that led them to the point where they had no place to live or stay.

Homelessness, though, has a lot of survival lessons to teach.

In fact, your average homeless person who makes it becomes by necessity the ultimate survivalist because of the inevitable alternative of not surviving.

That reality has made them very resourceful and those more fortunate who are concerned with preparation for and enduring a survival situation can learn from them!

To see a few common tips the homeless know that you need to incorporate into your overall survival strategy, check out the next page!

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  1. Johnnie Torres II said:

    looking to the homeless for insight into the human condition. very humble of you.

    but there’s a correction. the homeless are not a move the extreme survivalist, there among the only survivalists.

  2. Curtis Maxfield said:

    when I was a kid I ran away from home and learned urban survival so I got skill in both camps.

  3. Shugara Sanctus said:

    I have lived homeless for many years all over the US.most homeless are weak as piss and only survive by staying right near shelters and soup kitchens. There are some like me who drift and also spend a great deal of time in the wild but most do not.

  4. Jesse Lee Coyne said:

    I remember when I was homeless I jumped on my computer and scrolled through Facebook and checked out posts like these

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