Survival Items You Overlooked, But REALLY Need

No matter how prepared you think you are, there are always things you will overlook.

It is inevitable – no one can prepare for a major, long-term disaster or survival situation and think of everything – no matter how extensive your planning.

The reason for this is every survival situation or SHTF moment is different; there are universal things that will apply to every situation, but there are also idiosyncrasies to every survival environment that present challenges you never dreamed of.

Plus, we are human and that means we always forget things.

The key is to try and reduce the number of articles that you might overlook to the greatest extent possible.

On the next page, we give you a list of commonly overlooked items that if you add to your master list you will put yourself in a much more prepared posture; also, we include a master list of items every survivalist should have.


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