Surprising Hiking Tips That Can Save a Survivalist’s Life


When you are out on the trail, hiking and preparing for a good weekend away from it all, it’s always a good time to think. Yet, considering where you are going – out in the deep dark woods – thinking ahead would probably be the better way to go.

Did you pack your gloves, tarp, and food? Wait, did you tell the neighbor you were headed out like you intended, just so someone will know where you’ve gone in case of an emergency?

Well, it’s only a weekend. What could go wrong? Besides, you have your cell to call for help… unless you do not get any bars out in the wilderness where you’ve decided to camp. D’oh!

Later: The temperature is getting a bit nippy so it might be time to whip out those gloves… “Shoot, I could have sworn I packed them! And, why didn’t I pack the tarp? I knew I’d need it! Well, maybe it was a bit heavy but that’s no excuse…”

Hindsight is always 20-20.

The point is, anything can happen and it’s always a good idea to keep an alternative in your bug-out bag. Some of the tips on the following page aren’t just easy but could save your life! Go to the next page and find out what they are!

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One Comment;

  1. Karl Lee said:

    The garbage bag trick has saved me twice. Both times hiking in the Rockies. Two times I’ve been hit by fast moving storms, and only had one jacket. I gave it to my wife both times, as she “forgets” to pack one.
    one of the times it was a driving rain and when it stopped you could see your breath.


