Strange but Useful Hygiene Items Found in the Wild

Miswak toothbrush

An overlooked aspect of survival is hygiene.

Proper hygiene is not just important because after days in the wilderness you look like a mess and smell bad.

Maintaining personal hygiene also is one way to ensure you do not pick up an infection or disease or exacerbate a wound situation to the point it becomes infected.

An infection in a wound is certainly no fun, but left untreated, it can be fatal.

In fact, during the US Civil War, more soldiers died from infection than from the actual wounds caused by firearms (getting shot back then was an automatic infection, which is why so many doctors opted for immediate amputation of limbs.)

Fortunately, depending on the circumstances you are facing, nature gives you a number of options as it pertains to maintaining your personal hygiene!

On the next page, we cover several natural options you have as it pertains to hygiene in the wilderness!

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  1. Jason Darkholm-Author said:

    Addition – any fluffy seed pod (milkweed, or cottonwood) in cloth bags as ‘feminine napkins’.
    Also – the saponins in certain plants might clean, they may not disinfect…use the juice of Common Plantain (which is also edible and has tons of vitamins) in place of those anti-bacterial liquids. I’d rather be ‘dirty’ and germ free than ‘clean’ and germ-infested.

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