Stealth Camping – What You Need to Consider

Unfortunately, if faced with one of the more dire survival scenarios we often hear about, the need for a stealth existence might become a necessity.

This is especially true if you are caught away from home or have to move quietly through an environment to get to a bug-out location.

If that is the case, it includes “stealth camping.”

There are a number of reasons this might be a necessity.

Social unrest might demand it. Land owners might be fearful or suspicious of strangers. In the most dire of circumstances, well-meaning but misguided officials might misinterpret you trying to get to your bug-out location as a signal of defiance of local authorities.

Regardless, if you find yourself in a situation where stealth camping is a necessity, you must take into consideration the advice on the next page.

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  1. Greg Hanson said:

    Practice. Have a very light pack and load to appear as a casual biker hiker during day hours


