Starting a Fire Using Only a Bottle and Water?! Find Out How This Can be Done…

using a plastic bottle to start a fire

With Only A Clear Plastic Bottle And Water, You Can Start A Fire! Sound Too Easy? Check Out This Insanely Easy Way To Get The Survival Fire You Need…

After getting shelter, fire is an immediate concern in a survival situation or SHTF moment; if you have the time and are not in danger from exposure to the elements, fire may even take precedent over building or locating a shelter.

You also have a day or two before you have to worry about water and days before food becomes paramount.

Without fire, however, your efforts at survival are made more difficult.

Discovering how to make fire is one of the major developments in our progress as humans.

Fire lets you cook food, keep warm, provides light and can in some circumstances, be a form of defense.

Luckily, as much as you need fire in a survival situation, you also can find garbage left in almost every corner of planet earth.

And, if you can find a clear plastic bottle and water, you have what you need for fire.

To see how to start a fire using a plastic bottle and water, watch the video on the next page.

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