Smartly Stocking Survival Food – What Should be in Your Cache

stocking survival food

Anyone who is geared towards preparation for a survival situation or SHTF moment has an idea in their head as to what materials and equipment are indispensable.

While that list is unique to each person, there are some commonalities; almost everyone, for example, has a firearm, water, and a first-aid kit set aside for use. These items can come in handy if the moment arises.

Food, however, is a bit trickier. Dependent on where you live, what your family is like (how large), and what is available, you could get a different answer every time you asked the question: “What do you think is the indispensable food list for a short or long term survival situation?”

This is because everyone has food they are used to, prefer and think is a “must have.”

There are some commonalities, however, and on the next page, you can find one person's opinion on what every food stockpile must have.

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