Skills That Helped a Family Make it Through The Great Depression

old family photo

We have heard a countless amount of stories from our Dad and from Grandpa about The Great Depression. Enough to know there was little “greatness” about the Depression. However, there were many things that came from this period of time that we found fascinating from a survival point of view.

There were things they, even those who were considered fairly well off, needed to do without simply because supply was low, demand was high, and economizing had become a way of life! There were soup lines, men and women were looking for work wherever they could, and they were creating gardens, making their own clothes, and saving pennies like they never had before.

Families had to learn new skills, as we survivors, preppers, homesteaders and bush-crafters need to learn skills. And while was not always easy it was a necessity. As it may be in the future when a collapse happens!

Go to the next page and read about skills that helped a family during The Great Depression, how some were self-taught, yet they managed to make it through those trying times!

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