Six Things You Must Learn About Animal Tracking In A Survival Situation

Reading an animal track is much like reading a book.

With practice, you can tell what type of an animal you are following, what that animal is thinking, where it is going, whether it is stressed, what is stressing it and even where it might head towards.

Each of those help you make survival decisions, including whether you want to continue tracking it, accelerate your pace or break it off all together.

They also give you an edge in a survival situation where you are tracking an animal for food – knowing how to read a track and then how to process that information and make decisions can easily make your task easier – even if it is a decision to break off the pursuit to save energy.

The video on the next page covers the six disciplines of tracking you must know to understand what you are doing and how to do it.


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One Comment;

  1. Freddie Serna said:

    My idea of survival is not to track an animal that can kill and eat you.


