Six Survival Tips You’re NOT Following That’ll Make You Suffer the Consequences

guy sitting by the fire

It's easy to get caught up in enjoying the world we live in and stock up on more food than we can handle for when the grid goes down. Looking at survival gear and planning for that possible future when an EMP or worse takes place is also a common past time for survivalists.

Planning is great, but the truth is many preppers will not be ready for the harsh realities they'll have to deal with when it's time to rely on that heavily stockpiled food, tools, and gear.

Even though you think you're prepared because you've stockpiled all sorts of survival supplies and even learned a wide variety of skills, that doesn't mean you'll be ready to put them into practice when SHTF.

After all, we scour the web for solutions to our problems every day and then as soon as we find the answer to our question all is forgotten. And let's be real, many of us have a mound of survival gear that hasn't been used because you're secretly hoping you'll figure out how to use it when the time comes. You also might hate the taste of survival food but feel you are more than ready to eat it all when the grid goes down.

I hate to break it to you, but it's very unlikely that you'll be prepared unless you do what needs to be done to be truly ready for a collapse.

Don't be that prepper who is not really ready when SHTF. On the next page, check out some vital survival tips that'll help alleviate the dangers when the grid DOES go down. 

Next Page »


  1. Marc Iwata said:

    Good article folks….I’m doing pretty well on most, but unplugging once a week is brilliant…and will be an interesting challenge. (:

  2. Mark Worden said:

    Common sense comes into play’re a gonner! Nature does NOT play games!

  3. Matthew Jones said:

    Even though I know what is in this. I am okay with other using this to help them. It is good advise.

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